Interface problems

  • I have been trying to make a Machine tending interface for my D43 controller. I would like to select on which places I want to set a Pallet. The problem with the interface I have is that I can not get fixed that on the moment I press on Place A the lamp of Place goes on. It only goes on when I press the button en then push the emergency button(??). I have been trying to fix this with an Autostartprogram but this makes the light goes on and off in a very rapid time.

    Could someone help me get underway with connecting those signals. The reason herefore is that I want to let the robot take a pallet were the light is on. If the tending program is finished the signal need then been turned of so that the robot understand which pallet he needs to do en which pallet he has done

    I have attached a Photo which shows my interface

  • It only goes on when I press the button en then push the emergency button(??).

    What does this mean exactly?

    Push buttons on Kawasaki interface panels, unless they are allocated a dedicated signal (system controlled), then they need to be monitored and controlled independently.

    This is just standard programming using AS Language and simple condition and argument evaluations.

    I have been trying to fix this with an Autostartprogram but this makes the light goes on and off in a very rapid time.

    Below shows a very crude 'one shot' example:

  • I try to explain it a little bit better:

    On the screen you can see place A till L. These are places were a Pallet can fit.

    The buttons that you see are the push buttons with the lamp function on it. I Would like to make a program were the operater first need to fill in were the pallets need to be placed

    For example: Place A,E,D,K and L.
    If the operator push the buttons the lamp should go on.

    Then the program react on the signal number of the lamp, not the push button.

    The problem that I have is that I don't know/understand/find out how to connect the two signals to each other.

    Take for example Place A. This button with lamp has two signals 2100 (SWITCH) and 2120 (LAMP)

    How can I connect these two so that IF the Switch is pressed the Lamp goes on and stays on.

    In the REALS. I have set the following initialisatie

    Position= 2100


  • Try the following in a PC Task.

    Signal 2120 will be turned on with a press of the place_a button and turn on the lamp of the button.

    mi.ifp.ip[1] will be true for as long as you press the button (no flashing on/off during scan).

    Signal 2120 would need to be turned off at some point in your main program.

  • Alright I get it little by little. I understand what you doing in your code, but I cannot load it, it keeps saying that it needs the full spelling of the command.

    Also what type is mi.ifp.ip[1]? Is it a vector. I find it quite interresting

  • Alright I get it little by little. I understand what you doing in your code, but I cannot load it, it keeps saying that it needs the full spelling of the command.

    You cannot load it in as it is as I have included a 'spelling mistake' on purpose.

    Yes, sounds sneaky but just copying and pasting code without knowing what it is, is half the battle.

    What in the above code is causing the error - hint is the last line.

    mi.ifp.ip[1] is just a real variable array element used as a 'flag'......the name means something to me as that is how I use flags in my coding.

    You could call it monkey, pineapple, pickle or whatever you want.

    I am just using it as a flag (TRUE or FALSE) that I am monitoring for as a condition of the button press.

    Then setting/resetting the flag state when the button is released to prevent on/off during cycle time.

    This is why I call it a one shot.

  • I train people and program Kawasaki for a living, so I have an underlying purpose not to provide solutions for free, but to provide some guidance and direction so that others can develop their own solutions.

    Kawasaki AS Language is extremely powerful and flexible and due to this, creating your own solutions bespoke to your application is what you get paid for.........I don't when posting code, so I will only ever provide examples that can be viewed and may be offer some initial direction.

    With AS Language, there are many ways to produce the same results, that's the flexibility and power of AS.

    GOTO again

  • Lol.......Parentheses, now that was not intentional at all.......... good spot....... :top:

    I think you could build on what I've provided at least.

    Attached is a full blown interface panel example which uses PC Tasks to manage and control.

    So many possibilities available to 'make your own' and provide some nice bespoke functions.

    Most of the push button operations use the above as a foundation for the operation they carry out.

    The IFP is locked until a passcode is entered, along with interrupts, EAOT and cell peripheral operations as well as auto starting and out of position/step mismatch protection features.

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