Hi, i know this question could be complicated, but i will try. I have got ethernet/ip client written on pc, it was working with my RS007L, and now it is workin on reading data on pc from robot, but when i try to send something on robot, INPUT signal monitor doesnt show any reaction to this. I thought it is problem in pc program, but running it on BA006N was successfull. Settings look the same. Maybe someone know, what it could be, bug? or settings mistake? or something else? Thaks for your attention, i am trying to cope with this for three days

Ilya Smolin -
December 2, 2021 at 3:02 PM -
Thread is Resolved
I have got ethernet/ip client written on pc
What does this mean exactly?
when i try to send something on robot, INPUT signal monitor doesnt show any reaction to this
So what are we looking at here, some example, data would be nice?
but running it on BA006N was successfull. Settings look the same
What settings are you referring to exactly?
Your post contains 'nothing' of content for us to refer to..............
Controller used?
Is this real world or simulation?
How is the data being sent between PC and Robot?
What is being used to send and receive data?
What data is being sent or received?
No code or configuration information means we are prodding something with a stick in the dark.
What does this mean exactly?
I am using this library https://github.com/rossmann-engineering/eeip.py
So what are we looking at here, some example, data would be nice?
So here there is program, that works successfully, and i can read this from pc.
What settings are you referring to exactly?
Settings i am refering to:
Number of Internal Signals = 80
Number of FB1 = 80
Software EtherNet/IP settin
OutputSignal: Instance 00000064, Size(Byte) 10
InputSignal: Instance 00000096, Size(Byte) 10
Input/Output Signal:Signal Allocation
Signal (Total: 80)
FB1 AS Start No = 1, Port Start No = 1, Num. of Sig. = 80/80
Your post contains 'nothing' of content for us to refer to..............
Controller used?
Is this real world or simulation?
real world
How is the data being sent between PC and Robot?
ETHERNET/IP protocol
What is being used to send and receive data?
ETHERNET wire, connected to wifi router
What data is being sent or received?
No code or configuration information means we are prodding something with a stick in the dark.
Maybe someone know, what it could be, bug?
Nothing in Kawasaki documentation regarding PC and Python so as for a being a bug, I doubt this could ever be evaluated other then with Kawasaki directly.
Never knew the BA could be used on F Controllers, I thought these are used on Exx Controllers which have a different setting for fieldbus configurations.
That would be my first approach.
Can you also supply your python code to instead of just the github link?
You can send privately via conversation if you don't wish it to be public.