Force password logout in Karel

  • Hi there,

    I'm currently a student assigned to a project which makes use of Karel.

    I've made my project so you need to log in before entering the main program to decide which subprogram suits your level.

    When you're in that subprogram (after logged in) you've got the option to exit it by pressing '0'. After that I want the user to log out before really exiting the program.


    Is it possible to automatically log out the user after pressing that '0' or does it have to be done manually?

    (most controllers are V6.40)

    Kind regards,


  • its possible,

    i did a small karel program which allows to logIn witch in diffent levels with differnt Inpits or conditions.. it logs automatically of, when the condition or Input gets OFF.

  • its possible,

    i did a small karel program which allows to logIn witch in diffent levels with differnt Inpits or conditions.. it logs automatically of, when the condition or Input gets OFF.

    But how do you do it? Because I've already found a way to force login and check the level. But online and in the Karel manual I couldn't find anything about working with passwords.

  • Hi Bram,

    If you found a way to login.. on the same way you logout.

    Iam not in the office this week.. but if you like I can write a small Karel for you

    Yeah that would be great! But I think there simply isn't a way to automaticly logout in Karel. Now I'm Just forcing the password screen to go and login and to logout. But if you don't logout yourself you're stuck in the loop until the user times out.

  • its possible,

    i did a small karel program which allows to logIn witch in diffent levels with differnt Inpits or conditions.. it logs automatically of, when the condition or Input gets OFF.

    Hi R47,

    I have tried finding something in the Karel Reference Manual, but I seem to be unable to find anything in there for logging in.

    Would you mind sharing some insights on how to do this?

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