KSS 5.6.12, KRC2. I have a simple problem. KSS main screen is not maximized, so not all of the KCP functions are available.
Can anyone advise me, how to maximize the KSS main screen, using KCP buttons.
Thanks in advance.
KSS 5.6.12, KRC2. I have a simple problem. KSS main screen is not maximized, so not all of the KCP functions are available.
Can anyone advise me, how to maximize the KSS main screen, using KCP buttons.
Thanks in advance.
Also, the Kcp buttons are not functioning in this position of the main screen.
Simplest option would be to plug in a USB mouse and grab the top bar of the KUKA HMI and double-click it, or drag it until the Max/Min/Close buttons in the top right corner are available then use those.
Without a mouse... I'm not sure this will work, but if you can log in to Expert or Admin mode, you might be able to use Alt-Space to open the min/max/move menu (you can try this on a regular Windows application to see what it should look like). Maximize should work. If not, using the Move option should let you move the window about with the arrow keys.
I fall in bigger problem. After placing new Kvga 2.0 the mada has been losted. Please help.
i would recommend to anyone to read pinned topic READ FIRST before asking for help.
btw. also for anyone wanting to do anything with the robot would be wise to invest some time to learn a bit about computers and robots, specially if when trying to make some changes (configuration or programs).
for example (generic things, not just for KUKA):
1. old computers tend to fail more frequently than new one. that's just life. therefore try to make backups more frequently and keep them safe.
2. placing copy of a file or archive on same HDD is not really a backup. if the HDD fails you lose everything including on that drive, including C:\ and D:\ and everything else stored there. proper backup means storing files to a different media (USB, another HDD etc.) and creating more than one form of backup (archive, diag, hdd image)
3. when computers throw some message - read it... every letter.
4. when they complain about come file, read complete message to identify the file, then try viewing file in a text editor. btw you failed to read the message (only part is shown).
5. it is common that one message triggers an avalanche of other messages. those follow up messages are usually much less relevant than original, sometimes even completely false.
6. if the file is indeed corrupt, replace it with good copy from recent backup. and of course, immediately create another backup.
7. be careful how you restart computer or you may lose files or get files corrupted. it is a good idea to close files before shutting down or restarting. in case of a robot it is a good idea to maintain batteries. without them any power loss could mean corrupted data.
pretty sure this would allow sorting this problem out too
Sure, panik mode, everything you wrote is true. But somethimes it is not simply possible.
1. I didn't made any back up due to the administrator restrictions.;
2. I have made a copy of the entire D:\ but creating a copy of C:\ is not possible due to the before mentioned administrator restrictions;
3. I followed the messages one by one and tried to correct the errors, but machine data error can not be solved probably due to the losted comunication with the RDC box;
4. The file in the second message is located at C:\krc\roboter\krc\r1\tp\kl_applibs.pfc
The followig error is also showing:
System error 14 KAF_HMI
Could you assist please, in solving this issue.
Thank you.
i would love to help but i just do not understand what you are doing and how exactly.
1. how exactly you tried making the copy? Using KUKA USB Recovery stick? or by connecting robot's HDD to your computer via USB adapter for example? if you are trying to copy files while system is using C: (booted from it), this will not work. there may be an option to still do it this way by installing special driver (by your HDD cloning software). most people simply use mentioned USB recovery stick. it is fast, simple and image is compressed (relatively portable). using this option, means KRC boots from USB and not from HDD so accessing files on C:\ is not a problem. same is if using linux dd command etc. (careful with dd). i hope you are not trying to copy files from C:\ to whatever storage using Windows Explorer or worse - using Kuka HMI
2. as mentioned, this is probably because you are trying to copy files while KRC is booted and - none of the needed files are no D:
3. which machine data we are talking about? robot controller MADA or robot MADA? both are set of *.DAT files and therefore readable like text files. if there is a corruption it is easy to see. if needed, MADA can be easily compared to default (at least for robot) since it is on the D:\
4. if i recall *.pfc files are only present if one has files that use encryption. never really looked into that.
Thanks for your patience, panik mode.
1. There were no restrictions to copy D:\ and some files from C:\ that were allowed to be copied. I copied them with simply copy/paste to Usb in KSS tree meny when using C:\.
I still did not used any Usb software such as Hirens boot, to clone entire hdd. I doubt I' will do it wrong;
2. I have arcive that contain the needed working mada files, as well as the probably corupted KL_AppLibs.pfc file;
3. The first ting I tried, was to copy mada files from KUKA D\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\MADA\KRC2\KR2210_SSCBS\L150\Floor\R1 into KRC\R1\Mada.
The following message have appeared: KRC:\Mada\$robcor could not be accessed;
When trying to leave and shut down the KSS, the screen frozens and I have to perform cold restart.
It revert the old files.
I dont know where to start!
QuoteI copied them with simply copy/paste to Usb in KSS tree
what does that mean? you used KSS Navigator to copy files?
QuoteThe first ting I tried, was to copy mada
well... it does not work like that. if you want to copy file, first you have to make sure that it is not used. this means ending any process that may be accessing it. in case of KSS that means deselecting both robot and submit interpreter. So make sure nothing else has the files open, then make sure that both robot and submit interpreter are deselected and then using KSS navgator transfer the files from D:\ to LRC:\R1\MADA
both robot and submit interpreter are deselected
Submit interpreter is already stopped, S is greyed out.
How to deselect robot?
R need to be gray too
and you need to be logged in to access D:\
R is gray too and I have access on D:\, still can not overwrite mada files, how it is possible ?
i don't know. but it would be helpful to see the files you are having problem with but the screenshot does not cover the part that is subject of conversation. that is one of the reasons i ask people to post screenshots that cover entire screen. (perhaps check READ FIRST). are the files in right place or already removed? are they write protected or locked somehow by one of the processes? are they corrupt? what can you tell us about those files? maybe there is a problem with KSS and restart is needed.
you can also try rebooting but on start do let KSS launch. then try to replace files using windows. and then start KSS (or reboot)
Hello panik mode,
The main problem is that I can't overwrite the Mada files, $machine and $robcor and revert other archive files in KSS. I can't do it using Windows due to the missing administrator rights.
I doubt at two points:
1. The files are somehow locked at the hard disk, due to the hard disk partial failure;
2. KSS is not fully functional, regarding to corupted files or the above mentioned hard disk partial failure.
Would you like to share oppinion about the following issues:
1. The $machine and $robcor files have notepad icons;
2. 14KAF_HMI krc system error;
3. Internal error (file: ads_in.c, line 838, value: "HFFFF"). This error comes after I applly RDC data to be copied at Hdd.
Thank you.
did you try to boot into windows only (without starting KSS) and check if you can manipulate those files?
It it is the easiest way for sure, but as I've mentioned, it is not possible because I don't have administrator password to log on as administrator in Windows. In the same time I can't reinstall KSS. Simply, I don't know where to start.
Okay, let's back up a step. First, you shouldn't try to tamper with the .DAT files on the hard drive (well, only as a last resort).
During boot, a KRC copies most of its operating files from the hard drive into a RAM drive, and runs off those copies. The RAM drive is what appears as /R1 (not C:/KRC/R1!) in the KUKA Navigator. The first thing to try is examining those files in the HMI, by using the Open button on them.
Can you get log into the Expert or Amin user group in the KUKA HMI? (not Windows). Factory default password is kuka (all lowercase!). That should work, unless someone changed them.
Can you get the robot to make an Archive All backup? That should work regardless of your user rights. Then you can unzip the Archive and examine the file contents offline. Before meddling with any file contents, you really want to nail down exactly what the underlying issue is.
Also, regarding Windows admin rights, you should have them by default. However, this post has a list of Windows logins used for different Win/KSS versions. Unless someone tampered with the credentials, these should work.
But I would advice against modifying any files unless/until the root errors are well established. In fact, I would strongly recommend pulling the HDD and cloning it using Acronis or Clonezilla before trying any alterations. Otherwise, it's possible to brick the controller beyond recover, without getting original install media from KUKA.
SkyeFire, I'll implement all of you advices one by one.
Before that, I have a brief question for you.
Do you thing that the Ram stick has been damaged somehow, holding some old files and does not let the new files to be copied on it ?
Should I replace the supposed damaged Ram with another one as a first step ?
Okay, let's back up a step.
SkyeFire, I'll implement all of you advices one by one.
Before that, I have a brief question for you.
Do you thing that the Ram stick has been damaged somehow, holding some old files and does not let the new files to be copied on it ?
Should I replace the supposed damaged Ram with another one as a first step ?