How to solve a 3 equations system

  • Nice case, never thought about that :smiling_face:

    What's your intention for it?

    I want to calculate automatically the Uframe,

    So I touch 3 points on each plan,

    3 points define a plan equation,

    So I have 3 equations,

    Then I solve the 3 equation system to find the origin point of the UFrame.

    After that I calculate the unit vectors for X , Y and Z directions,

    With the origin point and the 3 vectors, I have the Transformation Matrix of my Uframe,

    I then convert it to Euler Angles to find the xrzwrp.

  • We don't want to use the Fanuc built in functions such as Touch Sensing ... because we have other robot brands (Kuka, Abb...) and we hope to find a way that can be adapted for the different brands

  • You can do it the same way you would manually. Just replace your x,y,z values and coefficients with Registers.

    Work out the algorithm manually by hand keeping everything in terms of registers. And by the time you are done you will basically have a TP program. You may need to split up some of the operations to work with TP syntax. Also you must handle any possible divide by zero errors.

    Or just Google an example done in another programming language and then convert the syntax.

  • Thank you very much

    Finally I used Cramer's rule, and it works fine,

    Thanks again

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