Hi! I'm doing a program of glue dosing. I made the path poins for my right piece... now i need the left one wich is mirrored and traslated from the right. I'm doing this manually using OrangeEdit wich is quite easy but I'm wondering if there is a way to do directly in the program. I mean the translation part is not difficult but the mirroring one could probably not so easy. What would you suggest?
IlFincoITA -
November 12, 2021 at 9:10 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
As far as I remember the SmartHmi has some build in functionality to mirror programs. Never used it myself so I do not remeber where in the menues it was hidden but thats definitly worth looking for.
Yesy but there no difference since you have to manually do the thing. I was looking a way using KRL...
Under \KRC\UTIL\MIRROR\ you will find the program mirror.exe and an explanation on how to do it.
Mabe this will help
Hi! It could help for shure... ReadMe.txt is in German... let's see.. thanks
The "easy" way would rely on having created a specific Base frame beforehand, with one plane placed to act as the "mirror". This would rely on both parts being exactly the same distance from the "mirror plane," on opposite sides, and themselves mirrored and level. That is, if you draw a line from the center of one part to the center of the other, that line must be perpendicular to the mirror plane of the Base, and the mirror plane must exactly bisect that line.
So, for a simple example, let's assume that the left-hand part has its center located at X 1000, Y 1000, Z 0, and the right-hand part has its center located at X 1000, Y -1000, Z 0. In that case "mirroring" the program is as simple as multiplying each point's Y value by -1.
Of course, for any other geometric arrangement, the mirror process becomes mathematically complex....
may need to adjust S&T values too