Hello everyone
I'm trying to exchange information between my pc and the kuka robot controller KRC4 of the KUKA kr-16-2 robot. So i'm using the EthernetKRL .
In order to test my connection I use the EthernetKRL_Server.exe according to the book of kUKA.Ethernet KRL 2.1 (http://www.wtech.com.tw/public/downloa…t-KRL-21-En.pdf) page 37.
I followed exactly the instructions, the IP of the robot controller is : and I configure my pc IP to : and I use the KLI port for the Ethernet connection. And the port number is the same in the configuration file(.xml) and the server.exe application.(port number 59152).
You can see that in image1 and 2. Like you can see, the external system (my PC) is configured and ready for the connection.
The problem is when I run my simple code for the connection (image 3), an error number EKI00014 appear in my smart pad (image 4).
I attached the images 1-2-3-4 in the zip folder.
Any advice will be helpful, THX in advance .