Nachi Robot Offset Move

  • Hey guys,

    I am workin with my first nachi robot and am looking to write an offset program. Normally when programming robots I will read in my current position, then apply either apply a set z height that I know is clear to the current position or apply a static z offset. Then go to the same position that it was left at (random position in travel) then apply the offset and it will move up to a safe height, then from there it can go home. What does this look like in nachi? I am currently attempting to do this using XYZ shift FN58 but even with it all being linear moves when I apply the shift the robot will move up but it doesnt maintain the pitch/roll It moves the TCP straight up, but also rolls it quite a bit. I have tried this using world and TCP frames. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.



  • Example to Home the robot as below

    DIM Position[2] As POSITION 'FN801-DEFINE Variable Position
    MOVEX A=1,AC=0,SM=0,M1J,P,P*,R=20.0,H=2,MS 'Move to Current position
    GETPOS 0,1,Position[1],0,1 ' USE FN 822 -Get Current Machine cordinate position 
    OPEPOS 0,Position[1],V1!,0,0' USE FN 826- Extract X,Y,Z,Roll,pitch,yaw into real variables V1 to V6

    Current position of (Z) available in V3!.You can then use IF statements to compare V3! and then MOVE robot safely to Home

  • Example to Home the robot as below

    DIM Position[2] As POSITION 'FN801-DEFINE Variable Position
    MOVEX A=1,AC=0,SM=0,M1J,P,P*,R=20.0,H=2,MS 'Move to Current position
    GETPOS 0,1,Position[1],0,1 ' USE FN 822 -Get Current Machine cordinate position 
    OPEPOS 0,Position[1],V1!,0,0' USE FN 826- Extract X,Y,Z,Roll,pitch,yaw into real variables V1 to V6

    Current position of (Z) available in V3!.You can then use IF statements to compare V3! and then MOVE robot safely to Home

    I am a little confused by this. I am not exactly sure what the movex does. If in my case I would try to move to a z of a fixed 500 how would I do the final move with the current position applied? I think I need 1 more line but am struggling with getting it working.

  • Above ASCII code need to be compiled

    MOVEX and Pose file details are available in the Robot Language Manual.

  • Hi BSRR,

    Thanks for the code above. I appreciate you taking the time to help out.

    I don't have the manual that describes those functions in your sample code above. Would you be able to list the variables and what they do for the functions below? Also is there a manual that lists and describes all of these functions. I have the handling and robot language manuals.





  • I Find this

    FN801 - DIM

    FN645 - MOVEX

    FN310 - INH

    FN822 - GETPOS

    FN826 - OPEPOS


    FN809 - POS2POSE

    You can review the manual in the Teach of the robot

    I will try modify with it next week.


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