Putting together an RJ3iB controller from some used parts, expected certain problems but this has got me clueless.
Had everything working properly for about a minute then got errors of blown fuses and FSSB error and LVAL error and i think a few others i was more familiar with. Powered down and checked fuses, mistakenly grabbed 1.5 A instead of 7.5 A fuses, dont know how I managed that but here we are. Pulled blown fuses and replaced them with the proper specification. Now when i turn it on it loads the files and gets to the "Starting System Software. please wait" part of the process and just stalls out.
Tried an INIT start, gets stuck at the same spot.
Tried to load img files, got stuck at SRAM 00
Swapped TP cable for one I know works. No change.
Swapped main board. No change.
7 segment LED sometimes has 0 or 1
I don't understand what is going on, I cant even boot up far enough to get an error code which is bonkers because it was functional for a brief minute this morning so unless a component spontaneously died then everything is confirmed functional.