Robot info:
R-30iB Plus
R-2000 165F
Date 2017
I having issue during backup the robot.
Can't download the .SV files (15x) from the robot.
I tried with USB backup "All of Above" or "System files", only message that i get is "Cannot backup file:location.file.SV".
Backup programs like Total Commander or FileZile don't work eather, for us is this a daily used backup programs. (also tested with an another laptop, same issue)
Tried in Control Start, same issue.
No password is used on the robot.
Almost all files can be downloaded, except the SV files.
If we try to backup a different robot then it works fine, so it seems that the issue is in the specified robot.
I already google searched it and looked here on the forum, but nothing related to this problem.
Hopefully someone knows the issue.