S4C M98
Enio -
October 5, 2021 at 12:02 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
You appear to have a power supply issue. I suggest checking your incoming voltage from the breaker to start with. Make sure it is correct (whatever voltage you are using 220,380,440). If it isn't, check your circuit breaker and each of the lines supplying it. It you have a phase converter or transformer, check those too. Then move on to the robot. Check all of your connections at each of the offending errors. Check the main cable between the robot and controller for exposed wires or loose connections. Check the connection on top of the bleeder. If all else fails, replace the DC link. Good luck!
Thanks Elderwild
When I read this post, the only thing to work with is the 39215 error code and even that is missing the subcode/axis number. 20012 is generally the result of other fatal errors. 3901 is not valid.
In my experience, 39215 errors show up with resolver cable shielding issues.
Start by looking in the base of the robot and make sure the shielding of each measurement cable is wire tied to the bracket and the connectors are fully seated into the SMU.
looks like an incoming phase is down
Hello Skooter, at first thanks for the help,
39215 apears frequentlly ,each time with diferent axes number,I change the plugin for the power suply and its seam have no problem now,probably 851dave is right, maby incoming phase was the issue.anyway thanks guys