M59 search not working

  • I'm at the point of commissioning a AW controlled robot for doing a polishing operation. And I find that the M59 search write function is not working. the interupt writes to register 1 but the robot does not offset (or add the displacement) the value at the M52 shift2 step. And I dont understand this:

    Set [Service] [1 Teach/ Playback condition] [Search write] to <on>.

    Play back in [1 cycle playback mode].

    Return [Service] [1 Teach/ Playback condition] [Search write] to <off>

    after playback. Leave [19 Search range] as it is.

    I just dont understand turning it on and then off. And is the search range 0-3 inches?

    Set a search range to [Service] [1 Teach/ Playback condition] [19 Search


    Its just giving me a hard time.... help.

  • Search Function has to be written along with Robot Interrupt ,See below example with "Search ON" and "Search OFF"

    Playback with Search range "ON"

    MOVEX (N)

    SEA 1,0,R1

    MOVEX (N+1)


    MOVEX (N+2)- Initial Part detected

    SEA 0,0,R1

    MOVEX (N+3)

    MOVEX (N+4)


    Playback with Search range "OFF"

    MOVEX (N)

    SEA 1,0,R1

    MOVEX (N+1)

    RINT I1,1,0,0,0 - (X,Y,Z values from previous operation )

    MOVEX (N+2)- ACTUAL part detected

    SEA 0,0,R1

    SHIFTR 1,0,R1,1000 ( shift start as per REGISTER values)

    MOVEX (N+3)

    MOVEX (N+4)

    SHIFTR 0,0,R1,1000 (shift end )


  • I must be missing something.... tried all that and still will not pick up the displacement. Wrote the program just like in the book, omitting the M121 and M120. Toggled the interrupt beyond step 3, data shows in step 2 M29 (XYZ) but Steps 5 and 6 never move. and

  • I reckon M29 has to be as below


    Make sure robot is in PLAYBACK,One cycle mode and "Search basis Write is ON" .While executing [0,0,0] will be replaced with Machine coordinates X,Y,Z with Robot Input Interrupt .

    Once you X,Y,Z Values are written then change setting for " Search basis write to OFF"

  • Got it working.... Ran the program with Search write set to 'on' but stopped it before M52, changed search write to 'off" and ran it. I had to move M52 to step 4 as step 5 wasn't modified. I also found that I had to record, teach and playback in Robot vs. Tool. When I used Tool, the center pivot point was way off in playback. I have 3 different buffing heads (course, clean and fine polish) so I will use 3 different registers... Lots of teaching, lots of programs. Using different tool numbers to teach, each at different lengths because of different ball sizes that would mean different center points. Anyway very excited now and close to making this whole thing work. Certainly appreciate your help BSRR. I'll will post a video when I have the process up and running..... thanks.

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