>VERY< raw beginner here... want to upload from actual controller but cant find robot.
Roboguide v9.4 rev U, running as Admin
set up robot in robot neighborhood, "Greer" shows "Real Robot", correct IP address, home page connects and shows actual robot status.
Robot is an M-410c-315
set up workstation in Roboguide, right click controller, run "Serialize Robot"
File>Upload (intending to duplicate actual running cell)
Prompts "upload from": picked "Networked Robot"
Prompt "Browse Path": picked IP used by robot in Robot Neighborhood
Responds: Robot "actual IP address" Not Alive or Found
Firefox browser finds it, ping finds it, network neighborhood finds it. What am I missing?
OR is this a Luke Skywalker moment "Literally everything you just said is wrong"