Using Auxiliary relay in the safety logic circuit

  • Hello,

    I am looking to use Auxiliary relays in the safety logic circuit but even when the auxiliary relay is on, it doesn't show it as on in the safety logic circuit.

    I am using address 70055, which I want to use to turn on a safety output. Is there somewhere the auxiliary relay has to be configured first?

    I have confirmed that this relay is not being used anywhere else in the ladder program.


  • The 7xxxx auxiliary relays that are used in the concurrent io are not safety rated.

    The R auxiliary relays are safety rated and are used in the safety logic circuits to expand a circuit out. The safety logic circuits have a max of 2 inputs. Outputting to a R auxiliary allows a more complex circuit to be written. Essentially three or more inputs.

    2 different things named the same.

    I know a thing or two, because I’ve seen a thing or two. Don't even ask about a third thing. I won't know it.

  • Ohh okay I understand now. It certainly does make it confusing when two different things are labelled the same thing.

    You wouldn't happen to know which manual goes into R auxiliary relays in more detail do you?

    Thank you for your answer.

  • The US operators manual has a whole section on safety logic circuits. Can be downloaded from I believe it is in section 8.

    I know a thing or two, because I’ve seen a thing or two. Don't even ask about a third thing. I won't know it.

  • There probably isn’t a lot on them. You get 128. They are a buffer. You can use the output of an address as an input on another ring.

    I know a thing or two, because I’ve seen a thing or two. Don't even ask about a third thing. I won't know it.

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