I'm new to robotic arms, and I'm interested in 3D printing with a robotic arm.
I work with 3D printers (FFF and SLA) for several years, and I will have access to Yaskawa robotic arm, I think it will be the GP4 model.
I'm looking here for some tips on how the process of slicing is, and how to control an extruder.
I already did some research and found that some manufactures like Kuka and ABB have features for 3D printing on their softwares, that could do the slicing process, simulate and printing.
I did not find any native solution on Yaskawa website, actually on their website they suggest to use 3rd-Party CAD/CAM Software tools, that already have registered libraries for their robots.
I also found some softwares that could do the slice process, or import a g-code and convert it, like Robotmaster, RoboDK and Octopuz OLRP.
Is there any open-source solution?
About the extruder, how is it connect to the arm? Is there any I/O available on the arm to control the extruder?
The extruder is a standard one, so it will be necessary connections for: motor, thermistor, fan, and a heater.
I'm also interested in collaborative extruders, so I can print one part with several extruders at the same time, could it be possible with the already existing softwares, or it could it be necessary a lot of programming?
Carlos Silva