Hello, I am trying to connect my XRC 2001 controller to a FTP server hosted by FileZilla server software via Ethernet. I have enabled Ethernet through the maintenance mode. Though i don’t know what to set the IP address/subnet mask/etc to in the maintenance settings. The next thing I’m not sure what to do is how to set up FileZilla to work with the XRC controller? And is this the best way to do this? The other thing I’m not sure about is what to set the FTP profile too? Do i set this after i have a FTP server on my PC? This next part confuses me, in the FTP function manual it shows this image
. Do i have to do this? This looks like a command prompt section. But i have tried doing what it says and it doesn’t work. I have tried to follow the manuals to get what i need. But i find them very vague and sometimes convoluted.
If someone could give me a walk through on how to set this up properly, that would be great. I am unfortunately on a time crunch and need this going ASAP.