We have Kuka robot KR90 R3100 extra HA V8.5.9 KRC4 that controls two KP1 manipulators KP1-H5000. The two manipulators are configured in master slave position control,
because they are placed opposed and are used clamp in between tubes to weld on. Now we want to teach in the geometric transformation between the manipulators and the robot. That for the purpose of the tcp of the robot following the motion of the KP1 when both are synchronous coupled.
Questions :
- the procedure of teaching in 4 points where the tcp of the robot touches the probe of the KP1 in different positions,does it has to be done on the master, or may it also be the slave?
- As someone else has done the basic configuration of the system, what is the easiest way to detect which manipulator is the master and which one is the slave?