Hello all,
New to forums so I might not be doing this correctly, sorry. I am newer to Robotics but learning rapidly. I came across the thread "workobject copy" that seems to be exactly what I need to do. Running an irb 6600 on the old SC4+ M2000a controller so the easy way of running it through Robotstudio is out. Going to remove old spindle and replace it with 3 new ones. The Problem: I have no idea what points or elongator were used to define the current wobjRouter. Sooo...... Going to create wobjRotor1,define using known elongator, and hopefully use info from the old workobject copy thread to transpose the data to the new (known) wobjRotor1 so that I can move the spindle and redefine wobjRotor1 in its new place. There are currently 9 different programs that utilize wobjRouter.
I am not sure exactly how to do that, but here is my plan.
1) I am planning to copy all the procedures that use wobjRouter to Module MoveExChange using ultra edit. (is this the proper place to put them, and do I need to do one at a time or can I put them all in there?)
2) Run each program from the Jobs Module. (the question here is where, when and how to call Module MoveExChange. Logically I feel I need to call it from the running program right before I go to the router procedures. is this correct or does MoveExChange run in the background?, do I need to call it before each line of code?)
3) cut and paste updated wobjRotor1 RobTargets to Jobs module and test.
Any help with the less short version would be much appreciated!
SAABoholic and Lemster, Usually all I have to do is read your posts to figure it out. This one is a bit daunting, but hey, I joined my first Forum!