Hey all, I’m new to this so if this thread is being used sorry In advance. Anyway I have a R30ib Plus Fanuc that I’m trying to connect with Keyence CV-X camera system. So I have the program (Keyence Supplied) loaded into controller and all my IP setup and working. So I’m working with the Keyence Camera Programming Software and set up everything and when I go to run the auto calibration the Fanuc robot does nothing. I pinged the robot from Keyence software side and I have full communication. Keyence sent me a “Keyence Setup” program and it’s loaded onto controller, if this helps. Also keep in mind I’ve never used Keyence with Fanuc. Any suggestions would be super helpful! Thanks
Keyence CV-X R30IB plus communication
Neilcrockett -
July 29, 2021 at 2:26 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
Can you post the Keyence setup program?
Like the file they sent for me to zip?
Can you post the Keyence setup program?
Do you have an email i can send to?
What kind of file is it? Is it a .TP or a .PC?
What kind of file is it? Is it a .TP or a .PC?
Do you have the Karel option installed?
Do you have the Karel option installed?
Yes I have Karel “R632” and User Socket Messaging “R648”. I can Ping Fanuc robot from Keyence Software side as well as get robots coordinates. Also cannot manually operate Fanuc robot from Keyence Software side as well as auto calibrate. When I request XYZ from robot I receive the data packet. When I auto calibrate I don’t get an error message on Fanuc robot but on Keyence Software I get a failed error message and to make sure I have full communication. I will check communication again and everything is fine. Cat 6 rated Ethernet cable and have checked with my Ethernet cable tool.
Do you have the Karel option installed?
I ended up figuring the problem out. I needed to set up the IR Calibration. Once it was set up i was able to move the Fanuc robots with the Keyence Software as well as calibrate cameras and robot.
Hi Neilcrockett, taking a chance here as I am in the same situation. Did you need IrVision from fanuc to set up IR Calibration? I am trying to use keyence 2d VGR with fanuc r-30iB. We just purchased R632 and now waiting on R648 aswell... I'm suspecting I will also need to carry out the IR Calibration but when i search google it just brings me to IrVision which i do not have, we are using HandlingPro.
Irvision is not required for Ircalibration
Good morning, i have the problem with Keyence CVV-X. From Robot i sensi the Trigger and alla ok. The Cx-X sensore the coordinate XY buy in the Robot i have only -1.
We non the problem? Good job.
Hello all, for my application. We want to use a Keyence IV3 G500CA with IV3-G120SO with a schneider lexium cobot. Is it possible to extract coordinates from the sensor and send those coordinates from the PLC to to the cobot ? P.s We plan on putting the camera as close as possible to the gripper. Im currently planning the whole thing and would appreciate any comments on if this can be achieved or not or would this be feasable or not.
Many thanks:))