Is there any way of getting a KSCADA trial version?
sindromePoissy -
July 22, 2021 at 4:59 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Never heard of it, can you provide some 'meat on the bone' please?
If any application or trial applications exist then contacting Kawasaki or a distributor would be my first thought to do.
this is the thing
Interesting, I'm based in the UK and have never come across this, so thanks for sharing...........
It looks like Kawasaki Japan has not developed this, but Kawasaki USA (Kawasaki Inc) instead.
Kawasaki USA and Kawasaki Germany appear to developing 'side application tools' as opposed to Kawasaki Japan ('Mothership') developing them and marketing them under the 'Kawasaki Global Banner'.
Kawasaki Germany developed something called KIDE which may be very similar to KSCADA.
However, it is clear KSCADA has originated from the USA branch, so they would be ones to contact referencing any trial availability.
I've got KIDE, it is more similar to KUKA orange editor than anything else.
KSCADA seems to be to Kawasaki what PC FILE SERVICE is to FANUC, which is what I would need to schedule backups for several robots and manage them. Couldn't find anything but KSCADA.
KSCADA seems to be to Kawasaki what PC FILE SERVICE is to FANUC, which is what I would need to schedule backups for several robots and manage them. Couldn't find anything but KSCADA.
Have you considered writing a FTP Script to automatically do backups? I had a co-worker create that for our Fanuc's at a previous employer.
Interesting, I'm based in the UK and have never come across this, so thanks for sharing...........
It looks like Kawasaki Japan has not developed this, but Kawasaki USA (Kawasaki Inc) instead.
Kawasaki USA and Kawasaki Germany appear to developing 'side application tools' as opposed to Kawasaki Japan ('Mothership') developing them and marketing them under the 'Kawasaki Global Banner'.
Kawasaki Germany developed something called KIDE which may be very similar to KSCADA.
However, it is clear KSCADA has originated from the USA branch, so they would be ones to contact referencing any trial availability.
Its sort of frustrating the disconnect between the different branches of the company. Last year I was at AS Language training and the staff at the Wixom office (KawasakiUSA) had no clue about K-IDE (yes I am aware this is a Beta test of the software). A little cohesion and we could have a very capable product. Right now I use K-Roset, KTools, K-IDE, KTerm, and CS-Configurator. I made a point in my post-training questionnaire to suggest pooling resources and have a complete software package.
Its sort of frustrating the disconnect between the different branches of the company.
Agreed.........and further down the line, could cause an internal facture to a well established organization.
I only need KCWIN/KRTERM, KLADDER, CS CONFIGURATOR and KROSET to fulfil ALL my needs.
The other applications provide some 'convenience tools', but everything I need I already have.
They may not be 'pretty' or 'simple to use', but neither KIDE or KSCADA contain anything additional.
I'm not a fan of remote access to industrial robots, I think it's a non requirement (personally).
Exposing an Industrial Robot to remote connectivity over local carries a shit load of risks IMHO.
If I'd ever own a company that uses industrial robots, none of my robots would be remotely accessible.
I understand the convenience, but I'd rather know when I'm asleep, no-one is ping bashing my kit with port numbers and intrusion attempts just for the fun of it or maliciously.
If only locally controlled, then I can control the management of my robot fleet more securely.
I'm not a fan of remote access to industrial robots, I think it's a non requirement (personally).
Exposing an Industrial Robot to remote connectivity over local carries a shit load of risks IMHO.
If I'd ever own a company that uses industrial robots, none of my robots would be remotely accessible.
I understand the convenience, but I'd rather know when I'm asleep, no-one is ping bashing my kit with port numbers and intrusion attempts just for the fun of it or maliciously.
If only locally controlled, then I can control the management of my robot fleet more securely.
I don't necessarily disagree. OT Network Security is one of those things I'm trying to learn a lot more about, and just not connecting it to the Network is the simplest solution when there are security doubts.
Yes, opinions will always differ regarding remote access, so I always appreciate others viewpoint and will never dissuade their intentions as there are many positives and negatives which can generate many discussions (another topic).
For me, 100% security is no remote access, especially for uploading and downloading data that can effect the live running of a industrial robot system.
I leave that to the client and if they require assistance prior to doing that, or require some troubleshooting, technical support referencing errors and robot stoppages, then they contact me and provide the information I require to assist further.
Even though remote access is convenient, IMHO unless you are working for a robot supplier/integrator/end user that has the IT infrastructure in place, as a third party the risk for liability far exceeds the reasoning of convenience for me personally as I'm no IT expert and cannot guarantee some hacker does not piggy back my system using my clients permissions they have granted me access with.