I'm trying to set up an axis monitor that is enabled by safety input through the "velocity reduced" pins (2 and 20) of the X13 connector but when I give the signal to activate the monitor, I get a KSS15101 error saying there's an error at input 0. Do I need to do something with the Test Output pins even if I'm not using them?
Velocity Reduced Input Error KSS15101
BenD -
July 13, 2021 at 6:25 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
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what do you mean you are not using them? so what exactly you are bringing to those inputs?
how do you know if whatever is that your are bringing is compatible with the inputs? i see no mention of any electrical specs for those safety inputs - no voltage level, no current limit, no impedance, no timing, no mention if it is galvanically isolated or not etc.
in other words how sure you are that present wiring did not cause damage to those inputs? the circuit may as well be operating with 5V, or -12V.
the test signal outputs need to be used. they need to provide reference signal for the inputs. reason those are outputs is that the signals are coded (each channel contains brief pulses for diagnostics). those pulses are out of phase on each channel so if you bring signals from output Channel A to an input expecting Channel B, safety circuit will be able to recognize wiring mistake due wrong pulse timing.
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The way that safety signals work, they're "Safe" if the circuit is "closed", and "unsafe" if the circuit is not.
Each safety input must be connected to a Test Output of the correct channel to be Safe -- Test A to an Input A, Test B to an Input B. No cross-wiring. Anything that breaks the connection (usually a safety relay contact) makes that signal Unsafe, and stops the robot.
Any safety input on a SafeOperation robot that is not connected to the correct Test output will cause a safety fault. As such, any safety signal that is not being used must be bypassed by wiring it directly to one of the correct Test outputs. Any safety input that is being used must be opened/closed simultaneously between the A and B channels, or a safety fault will be generated.