KRC_Interrupt is set

  • Hi all,

    KSS 8.5 B0385 KR300 R2500 Ultra SmartPad2.

    Normally, I have not any strange messages during the robot running, but not long ago I could see this Wait message on the pendant (see attachment).

    I have no idea after what this one appears.

    May be when a program in manual mode is stopped during execution.

    Then this message can disappear.

    This not affects the robot functionality.

    The robot has no mxAutomation installed.

    I try to know the raison...


  • Some of them are never used.

    Which ones?

    Your screenshot shows a message that would normally halt the robot at a WAIT state, preventing the program from continuing until the SIMULATE button is used (only available in Teach), or the WAIT condition is satisfied. It's also strange that the message does not show the actual expression of what the robot is waiting for.

    Does this message appear in conjunction with any others? What line of program code causes this message to occur?

  • There is not halt of robot while this message. The simulate button does not respond.

    In addition, there is no program line that causes this message.

    It appears with some programs running in T1 after releasing the Play button (not sure) and it remains until another unknown condition.

    There are no other messages in conjunction.

  • i would check controller logs. mxA does not need to be installed now, perhaps it was installed earlier and then removed.

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    2) if you have an issue with robot, post question in the correct forum section... do NOT contact me directly

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  • Sorry, I cannot share it there.

    With the name "mxAutomation" I find nothing in DIag files.

    The robot is directly bought at KUKA and we are the first users and we have never installed mxAutomation.

    If this robot already had mxA installed it was on KUKA side...,

    I could search for mxA traces if you write me what/where to search.


  • Hi,

    I have some update for my question #1.

    Now, I succeeded to have this WAIT FOR message in OfficeLite too.

    I use two lines like these to open an HMI view:


    WAIT FOR (HmiEasyViewWithTabIsOpen("My_HMI", 1) == TRUE) OR TIMER_LIMIT(1)

    After running it, the system generates (not every time) a WAIT FOR message without an expression.

    Any suggestions?

  • IIRC, that is normal behavior for a WAIT FOR statement that does not have a simple Boolean variable to evaluate.

    Usually I create a Status message, then use a REPEAT or WHILE loop instead of a simple WAIT FOR.

  • I tried to find something else to replace a WAIT FOR ...

    It was not quickly, but it seems like I have found the code that does not cause this WAIT message while opening an HMI view with a tab.

    Thanks a lot

  • WAIT commands trigger Waiting messages. to suppress such message one can simply replace

    WAIT FOR Condition


    UNTIL Condition


    WHILE NOT Condition

    1) read pinned topic: READ FIRST...

    2) if you have an issue with robot, post question in the correct forum section... do NOT contact me directly

    3) read 1 and 2

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