my work has some R-2000ia 165f machines we are implementing into production. the most resent one had a srvo-050 collision detection alarm that would go off upon trying to move the robot. we looked into a bunch of causes after i researched what could trigger that alarm. i inquired to my head of maintenance about the last time this machine was greased? too much or too little isn't good. he said it's good to go, all PM's were done. he has all the proper documentation to know how and when this stuff should be done. one of his guys pulled the plug by axis 6 servo to check levels and got blasted with grease. its was his understanding that it shouldn't be under that much pressure? now it doesn't trigger that alarm anymore. does that sound like an improper PM? too much grease?
my main question is if you didn't stick to the PM schedule properly what could that damage? obviously the components of that axis but what else? Could that effect the points in my programs?
any info is ammo for me to make sure they stay on top of this and properly.