Hallo All,
Im new with KUKA for calculating points, 6 Axis Robot with Linear Unit(KL3000). Would like to know where am I doing mistake. I go to my Grip position and look at actual position and write it in Base_Data, So looks approx. program:
DECL INT x_for
DECL FRAME ablage_Greif[6,3]
DECL E6POS ablage_vor1
DECL E6POS ablage_Vor
DECL E6POS ablage_Nach
Decl E6POS ablage_Nach1
Decl E6POS Grip_Null
ablage_Greif[3,1] = {X 18917.34, Y 2690.61, Z 1346.42, A 180, B 0, C 90}
ablage_vor1 = {X 0, Y 0, Z 0, A 0, B 0, C 0}
ablage_Vor = {X 0, Y 0, Z 0, A 0, B 0, C 0}
ablage_Nach1 = {X 0, Y 0, Z 0, A 0, B 0, C 0}
ablage_Nach = {X 0, Y 0, Z 0, A 0, B 0, C 0}
Grip_Null = {X 0, Y 0, Z 0, A 0, B 0, C 0}
FOR x_for = 1 TO 6
$ACC_AXIS[x_for] = 70
$VEL_AXIS[x_for] =70
ablage_vor1.X = ablage_vor1.X-750
ptp ablage_vor1
$VEL.cp = 0.1
$VEL_EXTAX[1] = 0.1
ablage_Vor.X = ablage_Vor.X -600
lin ablage_Vor
;Pick Pos
lin Grip_Null
lin ablage_Nach
ablage_Nach1.Z = ablage_Nach1.Z+200
ablage_Nach1.X = ablage_Nach1.X-600
lin ablage_Nach1
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Initial PTP Point itself, throwing velocity and acceleration of
E1 Axis not programmed..
Many thanks for your time and consideration.