Wait on input during motion?

  • Hi all,

    Hoping to see if someone had done a smarter and more simpler way to auto search for a part? Parts are stacked vertically and robot will be incrementing Z everytime the program is loaded.

    I am currently following the logic as below,



    LIN P1

    LIN P2



    PTP $pos_act

    BAS(#VEL_CP, 0.25)

    BAS(#ACC_cp, 10)

    LIN_REL {Z -100} C_DIS






    So how do I stop the current logic when part found in a simpler way apart from setting $ov_pro speed:thinking_face: to 0 and interrupts and end the iteration.?

    Just want to make sure the relative linear motion terminates when part present is detected by an input.?

    Any helpful suggestions appreciated.

    Kind regards

  • This has been discussed quite a few times on the forum already.
    You will want to use an interrupt that triggers from the input and run a search function that gets closer to the part. The interrupt will terminate the search function prematurely and from there the main program continues.

    Similar problem

  • What are you trying to do here? The PTP #POS_ACT will counteract the C_DIS on the LIN_REL, so the robot will do stop/go/stop/go every 100mm.

    If you removed the PTP $POS_ACT, you'll end up stopping some 200-400mm lower than the position where PARTFOUND goes True, due to the Advance Run Pointer. This situation is what Interrupts were created for.

    Your approach might work, if you used much smaller Z steps, and your tooling had a generous tolerance for height errors. So, if your gripper had spring-loaded suction cups with ~40mm of spring travel, and you used -10 in the LIN_REL instead of -100.

  • What are you trying to do here? The PTP #POS_ACT will counteract the C_DIS on the LIN_REL, so the robot will do stop/go/stop/go every 100mm.

    If you removed the PTP $POS_ACT, you'll end up stopping some 200-400mm lower than the position where PARTFOUND goes True, due to the Advance Run Pointer. This situation is what Interrupts were created for.

    Your approach might work, if you used much smaller Z steps, and your tooling had a generous tolerance for height errors. So, if your gripper had spring-loaded suction cups with ~40mm of spring travel, and you used -10 in the LIN_REL instead of -100.

    Thanks skyefire,

    Unfortunately the tool does not allow for tolerances so interrupts might be the only way forward as Mentat suggested.

    I assumed the stop go stop would give the controller enough time to terminate the motion prematurely but looks like it doesn't.

    But here's what I'm trying to do.

    1.Search whether the part is closer. $IN[90]

    2.Search when the part is in contact. $IN[91]

    SO I will be needing two interrupts,

    Can you suggest what the syntax might look like for two interrupts in the same program?


  • what does it mean "part is closer...."?

    if you want two interrupts just declare two instead of one...

    make sure to avoid used ones or reserved range.

    in your program insert something like:

    then after the END of your program add ISR routines

    DEF Part_In_Contact()
      ; your code... 
    DEF Part_Is_Closer()
      ; your code...

    For more details read the manual and check examples in the forum. This has been done many times...

    1) read pinned topic: READ FIRST...

    2) if you have an issue with robot, post question in the correct forum section... do NOT contact me directly

    3) read 1 and 2

  • Thanks panic mode,

    Part is closer is turned on when the ultrasonic sensor gets to 100mm above the part to tell me to reduce speed and search for part to make contact. At this point the vac is turned on to continue lin_rel motion -2mm on Z until it senses vac made signal or does not go past the 100mm allowed travel and issue a fault

  • Where does the pointer go to if I add a RESUME function in the part in contact?

  • when using RESUME, pointer returns to program level where interrupt is declared. this is why search motion must be also placed in a subroutine.

    1) read pinned topic: READ FIRST...

    2) if you have an issue with robot, post question in the correct forum section... do NOT contact me directly

    3) read 1 and 2

  • But here's what I'm trying to do.

    1.Search whether the part is closer. $IN[90]

    2.Search when the part is in contact. $IN[91]

    SO I will be needing two interrupts,

    Can you suggest what the syntax might look like for two interrupts in the same program?

    The syntax would look like Panic's example. You can have several Interrupts ON at the same time (I don't recall the limit offhand, but it's 6 or more), although you want to be careful about having one interrupt fire while another interrupt's ISR is still running.

    If you programmed a simple two-point search path (start above the top part, end just below the bottom part), you could have the robot do a single continuous motion. The first interrupt could reduce $OV_PRO, and the second would use BRAKE F (for rapid stopping) followed by RESUME to terminate the in-progress motion.

    But if your tool has no compliance, your reduced speed may have to be quite slow -- there is always some I/O delay time in handling an interrupt, and the robot cannot stop instantly. Not to mention, vacuum sensors have delay time in "making" vacuum as well.

    And, of course, after the "contact" interrupt, the main program would need to restore $OV_PRO to normal speed.

    Alternatively, both ISRs could use BRAKE and RESUME if you want the move to contact to be limited to a certain distance past the trigger point of the ultrasonic sensor.

    Where does the pointer go to if I add a RESUME function in the part in contact?

    Interrupt Example

  • Hi all,

    I had populated the below and seem to be reasonably working well but will there be an issue with re-triggering interrupts in the same program over and over again?

    Any helpful insights will be greatly appreciated.

  • will there be an issue with re-triggering interrupts in the same program over and over again?

    There should not be, as long as you manage the INTERRUPT ON and OFF commands carefully.

    The first thing any Interrupt Service Routine should do is turn the Interrupt that called it OFF, so as to ensure that any anomalous conditions (like a "flickering" input) do not cause the interrupt to fire while the ISR is still executing. When to turn the Interrupt back ON again depends on where you need it.

    So your INTERRUPT OFF commands should be before the BRAKE commands.

  • There should not be, as long as you manage the INTERRUPT ON and OFF commands carefully.

    The first thing any Interrupt Service Routine should do is turn the Interrupt that called it OFF, so as to ensure that any anomalous conditions (like a "flickering" input) do not cause the interrupt to fire while the ISR is still executing. When to turn the Interrupt back ON again depends on where you need it.

    So your INTERRUPT OFF commands should be before the BRAKE commands.

    Thanks Skyefire.

    Much appreciated.

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