• Hi! I have a SPLINE. The Robot is in P1. All the points have the same Z and only different X and Y.


    SLIN P4

    SPL P4a

    SPL P5

    SPL P6


    My problem is that the robot Stops in P4 .briefly then continue drawing the path in the attached picture. The ponis are not close. I tried to move P4a in different positions but without any success. I would expect a continuous movement. Where am I wrong?

  • What messages do you get? The robot usually tells you the reason why it has to stop. Admittedly some of these messages are only shown on the SmartPad if you are not in AUT/EXT but logbook always records them.

    Have you looked at orientation as well?

    Too close positions?



  • Hi! Probably I expressed myself badly. The Robot doesn't stop in P4 beacuse of an error but it ends it's movement to P4 slowing the volocity perhaps to zero then continue to P4a.

    I expected that a SLIN followed by a SPL inside a spline block was a continous movement without interruption. I've altready used this instead of approximeted LIN motion. Don't know why it is not working here.

  • This is exactly what I am talking about as well. If for some reason the spline is forced to reduce velocity to zero it is documented in logbook. The logbook is not just for recording errors. It records also notification messages! So are there any messages related to your spline or not?

    In all other cased you might not actually have a stop as you describe but only a very low velocity resulting from your programmed geometry as well as your programmed profile data (velocities, accelerations, load data, ...). Profile data also exists for orientation, so did you check whats happening in orientation as well?


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