Strip Chart Recorder function?

  • So, probably a stupid question, but what the heck:

    Do Fanuc robots (in this particular case, R-30iB, version 8.22) support anything like the "Oscilloscope" function on KUKAs?

    My main point of interest is that I'm trying to set up something rather off-standard using Dispense Tool, and it would be handy if I could create a "strip chart" recording of the TCP velocity vs the Flow Command Group Output. I will not, sadly, have any PLC or other hardware handy that I could try transmitting the information to for "3rd party" charting.

  • Yes, I think it usually comes with Roboguide.

    Yes, it's a part of RG, but some time ago, as I rememer properly it was the Fanuc internal software, eg. to diagnose problems with motors, estimate usage, etc. Not sure anything changed in this case, but could be a problem with getting that specific software.

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