Not a DIRC file

  • Hello Everyone !

    I am facing an error (Not a DIRC file) while synchronizing the project with sunrise controller. please find attached error image.

    please help if anyone have idea how can solve this error.

  • The Problem has been resolved by deploying the image backup and then synchronize project.

    but I didn't understand what is the reason of this error.

  • What's your robot's IP adress? 172.31.147 or 172.31.150?
    Did you install the project before synchronizing?

    thank you Kiiwa for your reply ,

    Robot IP address is .

    This error comes suddenly , after I turn on the controller same as every morning and then did one modification only ( touchup some points ) then while synchronize project it was showing this error.

    Before this Case , project was installed already and working fine.

    I was thinking may be this error comes because of while rebooting controller missed to read some files or corrupted.

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