krc2 has MFC2 ISA card and for MFC2 there are 2 versions of DSE-IBS cards DSE IBS 3.02(older) & DSE IBS C33(newer)
I have a robot with mfc2 & dse-ibs 3.02 and an other robot with mfc2 & dse-ibs c33
DSE IBS 3.02 uses file INTERNAT\KRCSETUP\KRC\ROBOTER\DSE\KRC2.bin installation file
and DSE IBS C33 INTERNAT\KRCSETUP\KRC\ROBOTER\DSE\KRC2_C33.bin installation file
I have kss 5.4.10 and kss 5.6.10 and in both kss versions installation file INTERNAT\KRCSETUP\KRC\ROBOTER\DSE\KRC2.bin is missing but exists KRC2_C33.bin so these kss versions work only with DSE-IBS C33 not with DSE-ISB 3.02 .
I found KRC2.bin from a other vss 5.4.10 installation files and copied to kss 5.4.10 files so now kss 5.4.10 installation works with DSE-IBS 3.02.
I have tried KRC2.bin file from vss 5.4.10 to kss 5.6.10 but does not work.. work only with kss 5.4.10.
So my question is has anyone kss/vss 5.6.x installation that has KRC2.bin file that works with DSE-IBS 3.02 or does not exist at all KRC2.bin file for
kss/vss 5.6.x ?