Predicting Tool offset results in UFrame

  • Given a specific UFrame, UTool, and PR, is there a way to predict (in a TP program) where the TCP will "land" in UFrame coordinates if a specific Tool Offset is applied to the PR (a L or J move to the PR using the Tool Offset option)? I'm basically trying to set up my program to evaluate several different Tool Offsets and pick one, based on that offset's effects in UFrame.

    For example, a "quadrant test," where I want to pick a tool offset (from a set of 4) that will result in the TCP moving in the UFrame negative X and negative Y directions (relative to the "unshifted" PR). The complicating factor here is that the PR I'm applying the offset to can have random RZ value between -180 and +180.

    Just to ice the cake, this robot has no Trig functions. I do have KAREL, but I'd rather solve this problem in TP, unless a TP-only solution is so cumbersome as to make KAREL the better option.

  • Since you have Karel, that makes it a lot easier. While, you "can" do this in TP, it will be a solid wall of math. I do transform math of just the rotation portion here, and it is a bit of math.

    You can use the matrix program to multiply PRs together. I'll provide this separately.

    In general, it would be:

    Store point in PR.

    Multiply that PR by the Tool Offset PR.

    Check Result.

    Check out the Fanuc position converter I wrote here! Now open source!

    Check out my example Fanuc Ethernet/IP Explicit Messaging program here!

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