Joint Limit Exceeded Unable to Master

  • I was working using the fake hand guide movement included as part of this ROS package but I had a gripper installed which threw off the impedance values for the robot causing joint 5 to move past its joint limit. The interface is currently showing that it is at -170.72 degrees. This has completely locked the robot and motion enabling is denied.

    I have seen on other forums that it is possible to fix this error by remastering the joint.

    However, the software will not let me master the robot. When I try to click on the mastering pane on the touch interface it just freezes and locks up the interface. Has anyone else seen an error like this or have any suggestions on how to fix the issue?

    Any help would be very appreciated. I attached a short video to show what happens when I try to master.

  • massula

    Approved the thread.
  • I had an equivalent problem I think. I simply unmastered the joint then moved the joint manually within the limits in KRF mode. Then i just remastered it.
    I hope it will work for you.

  • Hello, yes I was able to solve the problem but it in my case it was an issue with my version of Sunrise OS. I had to contact KUKA support and they helped me to install a new version of Sunrise OS onto the robot controller and then I was able to enter the mastering menu and get the joint working again.

  • Hello, yes I was able to solve the problem but it in my case it was an issue with my version of Sunrise OS. I had to contact KUKA support and they helped me to install a new version of Sunrise OS onto the robot controller and then I was able to enter the mastering menu and get the joint working again.

    Many thanks, I'll try to contact them!

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