Unable to Change Program Select Mode

  • I am having some issues trying to change our Fanuc LR Mate 200iD's program select mode. It came to us in the PNS select mode, and I would like to use the OTHER mode to simplify things.

    However, when I try to change the mode and cycle power by shutting the main power off and then on, it simply resets back to the PNS mode of program selection.

    Can any one help me out with this one?


  • I don't have any BG Logic programs loaded or running, but I do have a bunch of .VR programs I cannot view or delete. Is there a way to get rid of these? They are from the previous owner.

    Is it possible I am not cycling power correctly? All the other changes I make that required a power cycle seemed to work just fine, but its almost like this change is protected, or part of some boot sequence I cannot find, as it only reverts after a power cycle.

    Thanks for your help

  • Do you know how to use the Search tool on the web browser? Basically go to that robots IP address, select search tool at the bottom, then search for that variable name in all the programs.

    That variable normally can be changed anytime and would stay put unless someone or a program changes it. Does it work right away after you change it?

  • I will have a look at the search tool.

    The system prompts me to do a power cycle once I change the program selection method to have it take effect, and it still seems to be using the PNS program selection method even after I make the manual change to "OTHER".

    Alternatively, I am debating doing a factory reset on the system, do you think that this has a chance of removing the restrictions on changing this setting? I don't really have any other programs or settings special right now, my only fear is locking myself out of some part of the system or needing to rehome the position sensors, kind of a "I don't know what I don't know about a factory reset" situation.

    Thank you for your help, it is very much appreciated

  • If you want to try an INIT start to apply a factory reset, just make sure you take an image before hand. If something goes awry, you can always reload the image. I would also take an AOA backup at the same time in case you just need one or two specific files.

  • You are right that it requires a power cycle to change the program select method. But when I do that it stays with whatever selection I have made.

    So I assume you are setting select method = other and start method = UOP. Then if you highlight the select method and press 'F3' detail you have to select your main program.

    Are you then rebooting with a cold start? If you are doing a hot start, I'm not sure it will take effect. Make sure you press function>cycle power>Option> cold start first, then cycle power.

  • I don't know if this applies, but I remember a few years ago having that problem because they had configured UI 9 thru 17 to the PNS. I am not sure if it was an older robot or not. Worth looking at.

  • OK, so I figured out the Cold start, but that did not solve my issue. I also was able to search the programs, and found nothing messing with the $SHELL_CFG.$SEL_TYPE variable.

    Doctor_C, It looks like UI is configured to use the UI9-UI17 for PNS, and that was indeed the issue, as once I disabled all of the UOP I was able to switch to Other for program selection!

    Unfortunately, this causes me another issue as I would like to use the Standard Signals output by the robot for digital communication with a PLC (Things like Running, and Remote start, and enable that are part of the CRMA16 I/O). Is there a way to enable these but disable the PNS par of the UOP?


  • Ok, so configure your UI 1 thru 8, and UO 1 thru 10 as it was. The extra (9-17) is only for pns so leave them out.

    You don't have to use them all, you can pick and choose based on your UOP configuration.

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