I have a KRC4 running 8.5.8 and have set up external mode to be controlled via PLC.
I have tested all of the External IO signals required and everything works correctly with regards the calling of the program and program starting, etc.
However for all of my testing I have been selecting T1 mode selecting cell.src, performing BCO, then selecting Ext mode and program starts.....
I would like to not have to perform the selecting of T1 and manually running cell& BCO. I would like to have all of this handled automatically. I have powered down the controller and restarted in Ext mode and the cell.src program opens on the smartpad but stops on the line "CHECK HOME". A fault message then appears stating "move to home position in T1 mode"
From reading the documentation and other posts I had assumed once the system booted up in ext mode, a BCO run would not be required.
Is there something that I have missed that needs to be modified to achieve this?