how to add Home 'DO' Digital output
In systems output for
Case of cycle resume
how to add Home 'DO' Digital output
In systems output for
Case of cycle resume
Use WZHomeJointDef, you will find it in the Instructions, Functions and Datatypes manual.
Spheric world zone around the homeposition.
Spheric world zone around the homeposition.
I wouldn't use spheric world zone, your robot TCP could be at home but the robot pose could be in a dangerous position. Better to use joint world zone as Lemster suggests, much safer.
Use WZHomeJointDef, you will find it in the Instructions, Functions and Datatypes manual.
then would it comes in system ouputs automatically after add
No, it is not a system output. You need to map it to an available output of your choice. MOTLMP is wrong for Motor On State, that is just the light (lamp) on the front of the controller, not the actual state of the controller.