Hi gentlemans
i'm now find an 'offset command' in mitsubishi robot command manual
but i can't find it
can you tell me how to use offset command?
thank you to read my thread
ex) ABB offset -> offs(Point, x-axis, y-axis, z-axis)
Hi gentlemans
i'm now find an 'offset command' in mitsubishi robot command manual
but i can't find it
can you tell me how to use offset command?
thank you to read my thread
ex) ABB offset -> offs(Point, x-axis, y-axis, z-axis)
its like this for offseting in robot coordinates
Mvs Psomewhere + (x,y,z,A,B,C,L1,L2)
or like this for offseting in tool coordinates
Mvs Psomewhere * (x,y,z,A,B,C,L1,L2)
brilliant answer! thank you for your help!
Offset can set in move command in parameter such as
Mvs P1 , 10
but if you use in this example, it use in tool coordinate.