• I'm trying to compile a list of useful variables for personal use as we set up new robot cells from scratch regularly. There are several that are useful but 100's that are of little to no use for anyone not involved with direct development of the robot's systems. If anyone has any useful variables that they use regularly please share them. (I know there are several other threads touching on this but I didn't see any this focused)

    I titled the thread $SCR because this is where I've found most of the variables that I find useful but I still don't know what a majority of them do.

    I've found a few useful basic variables but any variable that has been useful to you in the past, id like to hear about it and what it does/how it was useful. Below is a short list of some that I have recorded already but I would like to expand much more on this (especially in the $SCR variable)

    Any input is appreciated.

    • $DMAURST – Deadman switch automatic reset function
      • Change this variable to switch between manual fault reset and automatic fault reset in Teach mode. Meaning when this variable is set to ‘1’ and the TP is enabled any faults will be automatically reset when the deadman switch is depressed. When set to ‘0’ the reset button must be pushed after the deadman switch is depressed.
      • Max: 1; Min: 0; Default: 0 
      • Takes effect immediately after change
    • $MASTER_ENB – Mastering enable
      • Specifies whether or not the System Master/Cal screen is available in the menu.
      • Max: 1; Min: 0; Default: 0
      • Takes effect immediately after change
    • $GENOV_ENB – General Override Enable
      • Enables (1) or disables (0) the %UP and %DOWN keys.
      • Max: 1; Min: 0; Default: 1
      • Takes effect immediately after change
    • $MAXUALRMNUM – Maximum number of User-defined alarm messages
      • Determines the number of User-defined alarms that can be used.
      • Max: 1000; Min: 1; Default: 10
      • Requires a controlled start to change, cold start after changes
    • $REFPOSMAXNO – Maximum number of reference positions
      • Set the maximum number of reference positions available to program per group.
      • Max: 64; Min: 1; Default: 30
      • Requires a cold start after changes

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