I am runnuing irvision on an older robot with software edition 8.1/30.
The camera is mounted on the robot. I tried using the automatic grid frame set to set a user tool for the camera. The first time it gave me a z value of 905 mm. Should be 600... i ran the grid frame set again, and it gave me 940mm.
Now I know the mastering isn't perfect. We lost mastering some time ago and needed to adjust the path, even so we too every care with zero mastering. IRCalibration is installed but Fanuc forgot to mention that on 8.1 you need a USB camera.
I double checked that the grid spacing is correct. I ran it at 10% speed. The calibration is spot on too, it figured out the focal lens and the mean error is .3 pix.
So my question: Am I missing something or can the mastering throw it off that much?