I have NX100 with welding robot for personal development (hobby) use so this is nothing industrial related.
I came across a small problem when I was thinking I can directly write IO signal registers with NX100 http network socket feature but documentation stated that reading them is possible (tested, yes it is) but writing happens through "NETWORK INPUT" register area as seen on my photo. As a test I wrote there 00000100.
I am trying to achieve I way to write "UNIVERSAL OUTPUT" signal 10022 as seen on my photo. When I manually toggle it on it says DECIMAL number 4 and off as 0. With this on/off I already have wanted behaviour with hardware connected behind physical IO.
Documentation I currently have is very long and messy for Ladder part because I believe I need a new Ladder configuration line to get NETWORK INPUT signal to set this UNIVERSAL OUTPUT signal on and off.
Does anyone have any suggestions for this what ladder config should hold in? ..or am I in wrong tracks with this one?
I should mention that I already tried adding new ladder config line but compiling it was whining about error so I clearly don't just understand what I am doing.