How can I use ARM & TOOL INTERFERENCE functions in a cell with two robots mounted each one in a different ( TSL) Base Axis?
Note: All robots and Base Axis are in the same controller.
How can I use ARM & TOOL INTERFERENCE functions in a cell with two robots mounted each one in a different ( TSL) Base Axis?
Note: All robots and Base Axis are in the same controller.
Not sure I understand the question. You can use it to keep the robots from hitting each other. You can use it to keep the end effectors from hitting each other.
Hello 95devils, I have configured ARM and TOOL in each robot, but when the base axis put the robots in closest positions they colide.
Did you set an interference area with a Reference Coordinate set to BASE and a Monitor Position set to ENTIRE instead of TCP?
Hello again 95devils, The ARM INTERFERENCE function is different of the Interference area.
The ARM INTERFERENCE is a way to robots see each other in the controller and avoid collision between these robots, the Interference area is to monitor robots inside or outside a area.
I need a way to use the ARM INTERFERENCE to avoid collisions between two robots mounted each one in a base axis when these robots are in a closest movement, like two fixed robot in a floor.
This way (fixed robots) I use every day, but with moving robot i never seen before.
Hello again 95devils, The ARM INTERFERENCE function is different of the Interference area.
The ARM INTERFERENCE is a way to robots see each other in the controller and avoid collision between these robots, the Interference area is to monitor robots inside or outside a area.
I need a way to use the ARM INTERFERENCE to avoid collisions between two robots mounted each one in a base axis when these robots are in a closest movement, like two fixed robot in a floor.
This way (fixed robots) I use every day, but with moving robot i never seen before.
Correct, do you have only Arm Interference or Arm Interference with Specified Cubic Area Check Function?
With Arm Interference with Specified Cubic Area Check Function you can set a cube based on Base Frame and set the monitoring position to Entire arm.
So when you have a base axis involved does arm interference automatically take into account the change in robot position at is travels down the track? Is there a setting to tell it to monitor base position relative to another arm mounted on a separate moving base platform?