I am new to programming Fanuc robots. I need to rotate my positioner and hold my welder still. I know it's rookie stuff, but I need steered in the right direction. I've created a lot of jobs but have used my positioner yet. thanks
How do I Program a Positioner?
altonwelder -
February 24, 2021 at 2:01 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
Easiest way is to use coordinated motion option.
It depends on your setup. I'm going to assume your positioner is setup as a separate group. Based on what you described above; create a motion program with group 1 & 2, position the welding torch in the desired orientation, arc on instruction, then rotate the positioner without moving robot.
You likely don't need the coordinated motion option.
You likely don't need the coordinated motion option.
But it will be much easier to set/control the speed. And as far as I know, speed is a important parameter for welding. Without coordinated motion you only can set percentages of maximum speed, but with coordinaten motion you can set the linear speed in mm/s.
But it will be much easier to set/control the speed. And as far as I know, speed is a important parameter for welding. Without coordinated motion you only can set percentages of maximum speed, but with coordinaten motion you can set the linear speed in mm/s.
Definitely an important parameter. Defining a relationship between positioner origin and TCP would give you a better control over the process, so I understand the desire to use coordinated. I don't usually get these luxuries as an integrator.
Lots of things get easier when you pay for them