Conditional Braching in Reis Robotics

  • Hello,

    I am doing my training in Reis robotics. The field of robotics is new to me. I have gone through the manual. But I did not understand the concept of conditional branching in Reis.

    Pls help me. Thanks in advance

    with regards

  • well not sure what it is like in Reis but conditional branching can take different form,

    the most common one is

    IF experssion THEN

    ; do branch 1


    ; do branch 2


    but this is not the only could also be switch (or SELECT as named at some languages(

    SWITCH experssion

    Case 1

    ; do banch 1

    Case 2

    ; Do branch 2

    Case 3

    ; Do branch 3

    Case 4

    ; Do branch 4

    ;... etc...




    so if you post manual (or page/screenshot from it) that is confusing, we may be able to offer assistance.

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  • I think branching is similar to FOR and WHILE loop in C programming. So i want to make condition Z<=5. So the Z will increment until 5.

    with regards

  • no... FOR and WHILE are loops. they repeat same block of code multiple times.

    branch diverts the execution to another block of code (without repetition).

    conditional branch uses some check to decide which block to process. those are IF and SWITCH/CASE statements.

    unconditional branch also moves instruction pointer to another block but of course without condition. example of that is a GOTO statement.

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  • btw moving in small increments and comparing position with some limit is workable but slow. much better way is to use interrupt to check if limit is reached and stop motion

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  • Actually here I want to make a weld line. Then I will increment Z maybe 1. Then it will weld on the top of ame line. Thats why i was thinking to use loop.


    2.SWITCH with label 1 as line 1 and Label 2 as Line 2

    3.FOR Loop.

    Above this I did not find IF statement and FOR loop.

  • to program some machine, you need to learn its language, there is no way around it.

    i never used REIS but from bits and pieces found online it looks like it instruction names are a bit different but look very straight forward.

    if i interpret this correctly:

    key Contr1 is used to insert program control instructions into code.

    LABEL <name> is a label

    BRANCH Label: is equivalent to GOTO Label:

    then there is a variety of TEST and TEST_BIT instructions which seem to be substitute for IF and SELECT CASE. so using TEST #VARIABLE you can create own loop and repeat what you are doing or continue with something else

    VAR is used to declare variables

    TRAFO_6D and TRAFO_POS can be used to manipulate position variables
    there is also TOPLAYER instruction used in multi layer welding (to select top layer)


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  • yet another personal message:


    Is it possible to make a sphere on Reis robotics.

    I tried to make a program of incrementing the z axis. But i am confused with putting values for radius. In the bottom part of the sphere can i make radius increasing and upper part to decrease the radius.

    let me see if i understand... you want robot to make a sphere... you increment Z in fixed steps and want to do a circle at each Z level. so need a way to to compute circle radius for each Z value?

    if so, why not simply apply Pythagorean theorem. it is one of the basic concepts taught around the world and there must be a reason for that.

    for top hemisphere with origin at z=0:

    r1 = 150 ; mm (an example of sphere radius)

    r2 = SQRT( r1*r1-z*z) ;

    ; for bottom hemisphere with origin at z=r1:

    r1 = 150 ; mm (an example of sphere radius)

    r2 = SQRT( r1*r1-(r1-z)*(r1-z)) ;

    a general case could be (in KRL):

    btw. please don't send me personal message for free advice on robot topics. someone else's robots are not something that i have personal interest in. besides, that would be a blatant attempt to circumvent the idea of an open discussion - which is a whole point of having a forum. to get someone interested in your problems is easy and i am open to have private conversations too - if it benefits ME. an example of that is that money is involved (for me), or topic is something i have personal interest in. someone learning to program, or learn about robots or trying to fix something bought second hand does not qualify, hence my signature as shown in each of posts:


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  • that example was in KRL

    p0,p1,p2 etc are FRAME which is a structure with X,Y,Z,A,B,C elements

    A,B,C are rotations about axes Z,Y,X (that is order KUKA uses)

    p2=p0 copies all elements of p0 to p2 (X,Y,Z,A,B,C)

    so to access only Z element of p0, one can use

    p0.Z = new_height

    this keeps other elements at their previous value.

    $NULLFRAME is a frame where all size elements are zeros. you can accomplish same by

    p0 = {X 0, Y 0, Z 0, A 0, B 0, C 0}


  • Hello,

    Okay thanks i got it . Is it a program for one hemisphere. It is bit confusing for me because in the above sentence it is mentioned about top hemisphere has Z=0 and bottom has Z=R1. Also in the program it is given, FOR 0 to 2*1000 steps.

    In the program,

    po.x = Z2

    p1.y = Z2

    p2.x = -Z2

    I understood that These are the Points of the circle. But why it is negative Z2 ?

    How it will create a circle if give the value of Z2 for These positions. Z2 means vertical direction ? or should give the value of R2

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