Evening Forum,
Tech Specs:
KR3 - R540
KSS 8.6.6
External Axis : MG-8_KSPsr12 ( #ENDLESS ROTATION )
Transmission Ratio : 10 / 1
LIN movement between two points, we alter / want to alter the ".E1" of the ROTARY external axis. For example:
xApproachPosition.E1 = 0.0
XTargetPosition.E1 = rGlobalDeclaredVariable
PTP ApproachPosition
LIN TargetPosition
However, should I modify the XTargetPosition.E1 ( before the program is called ) to a value it doesn't achieve this by the time the displacment is achieved.
NOTE: The rotations could be many MANY revolutions,
In short, I'm wanting the robot LIN displacement to be controlled so that the .E1 rotation is completed @ the same time. ( the set up to me should be deployed as synchronous? )
Many thanks