Ipendant ECHO timeout

  • Hi guys,

    I'm trying to connect to a robot via web. Home page is reachable but i can't open ECHO page.

    Get this error:

    An error occurred trying to log in as an iPendant connection. The robot controller is trying to make a TCP/IP connection to port 60005 on your PC. Set Internet Explorer to prevent Windows from blocking communication with the robot controller.

    1. If you have a firewall, unblock port 60005. (Unlocked this PORT on firewall)
    2. If you are using a proxy server, make sure that your access to the robot does not go through the proxy server. (No proxy)
    3. Try connecting to the robot IP address instead of the robot hostname. (Using IP)
    4. Add your robot IP address as a trusted site in Internet Explorer. (Done)
    5. If Skype IE plugin is installed, please uninstall it. (No skype installed)
    6. Try disabling add-on software of Internet Explorer. (???)
    7. Please refer to Configuring Internet Explorer section in the Internet Setup & Operations manual for additional details.

    any news?


  • In internet explorer go to settings>security and add the robot IP address to trusted sites. Make sure https checkbox is unchecked. Also allow internet explorer though the windows firewall.

    Thanks for reply.

    I do everything but still can't open Echo ipendant.

  • I'm using internet explorer.

    i try to connect using telnet to port 60006 but i get connection refused. Maybe firewall still blocking it?

    All the items in the error message are ok.

  • Are you able to connect to other robots? Have you installed the ipendant controls on your PC?

    I'm able to connect to home page robot. I'm not be able to connect to using echo link.

    Olpc-pro installed. On internet explorer I see ipendant plugins activated.

    I can use browser tool for example. But if I try to connect using ECHO I get error.


  • - Do you have iPendant Controls installed in your PC?

    Install it or update to the latest version (9.3 I guess).

    - Does the robot have Internet Connectivity option?

    - If your OS is 64 bit, use 32-bit Internet Explorer from Program Files (x86) folder.

    - If this is a remote connection, the firewall on the robot site may block the connection and only their IT department will help.

  • - Being able to ping the robot does not necessarily indicate the Internet Connectivity option installed. Verify this separately.

    - What are the access rights settings in SETUP>Host Comm>HTTP Authentication? Unlock all for now.

  • Hello Muniaco,

    Is your problem already solved? What was the solution, because I have the same problem. Echo is not working. I have IR Vision, those images I can see on my laptop, but I Pendant is not working. (Echo).

    Hope you can help me.

    Thank you in advance.

  • Hi guys,

    Problem was solved.

    The problem was the firewall block connection to port 6005.

    My It manager create a special rule on firewall to allow this type of connection.

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