[SOLUTION INSIDE] Ethernet RSI with OfficeLite - "Object ETHERNET1 returns error RSIBad"

  • Solved it through a bit of reverse-engineering - there's a hidden option! Now both RSI and EthernetKRLXML can be run cleanly via inside OfficeLite.

    Here is an archive(clickable link) that contains a fast and reliable tool(written in C++) that will let you run RSI inside OfficeLite, as well as any other UDP software package.

    There is a full installation guide and readme inside as well.

    An excerpt if someone wants to waste the time recreating the tool:

    1 - You need to add the following line under the ONLYSEND line in RSI_EthernetConfig.xml:


    <PROTOCOL>UDP(vxsock)</PROTOCOL> <---- add this

    2 - Set the IP address to, keep the port default

    3 - Make a bidirectional UDP proxy to shove it out the other network interface(or get the archive)

  • Spirit532

    Changed the title of the thread from “Ethernet RSI with OfficeLite - "Object ETHERNET1 returns error RSIBad"” to “[SOLUTION INSIDE] Ethernet RSI with OfficeLite - "Object ETHERNET1 returns error RSIBad"”.
  • Could you provide the archive again? The download link does not work anymore.

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