Dear all, my Fanuc robot (2000iB + R30iA) has been configured to communicate with PLC over Ethernet/IP. I'm able to jog the robot from TP, but once I'm trying to execute the very simple program just with two lines to move from one point to another I'm getting an INTP-311 error. The program is being executed from TP in step mode, just to check how it will be working. It is good to mention that after installation of Ethernet/IP I got an error SERVO-006 that has been mitigated by $HBK_ENBL Variable. Before the robot was operation without EtherNet/IP it has been affected by these errors. Any advice what might be the root-casue?
Fanuc 30iA INTP-311 error after installing Ethernet/IP option
kbrobotics -
January 25, 2021 at 3:19 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Fabian Munoz
January 25, 2021 at 3:37 PM Moved the thread from forum General Discussion of Industrial Robots Only to forum Fanuc Robot Forum. -
Hi kbrobotics
Welcome to the robot forum
INTP-311 which means unitialized data
Do you have anything else, like a register or output on that program ?
How did you program those 2 points ? Are they PR ?
Hi Fabian,
The program didn't use registers nor outputs.
Positions were taught by jogging the robot to the specific points, which means no PR.
Post your program and the complete error message.
Use the arrow keys to put the cursor over the 2 in P[2] then press position. Could be that that point is not actually recorded. If so touch it up.
Also would be good to check what frame you are in, UF and UT.
Also, why is your program named pnspns? If you are trying to use PNS program select that will not work. Needs to be something like PNS0001.