So, the task is trivial: send some data (points coordinates) from external system to KUKA. so, the first idea is to create txt file in ROBOTER\UserFiles\ and share this folder. External system will access it through LAN cable connected to KLI connector, KUKA will access it through CWRITE command channel $FCT_CALL functions. To test this solution I used my work Win10 laptop with installed WorkVisual, and everything was working.
But actual planned external system - RPi4. Here I faced with problem - provide connection between RPi and KUKA. Straight LAN connection with LAN cable (RPi - KUKA KLI) doesn't work, even lan ports leds are not blinking (the cable itself is ok). The RPi had the same network settings as my laptop.
I lack knowledge to understand the problem source. The KUKA doesn't like Linux? Is it necessary have special drivers installed to connect to a KLI? Maybe my approach is fundamentally wrong and won't work? And buying an EthernetKRL module is a more reliable option to ensure such a connection?
Thank you in advance!