Does anybody would help me with this topic? I just want to view my simulated workcell displayed on the 4d display option teach pendant but I don't know how to do it. Please help me if you have the answer

How could load a 4d cell on a robot
jhon jhon -
January 5, 2021 at 7:02 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
Hi Jhon,
you need the 4D-graphics option(r764) on controller.
The 4D Edit software (RG plugin or stand alone software) is needed to create the TOOLING4D.XML, WORKCELL4D.XML and "yourCadData".POD files.
These files will be loaded to 'FR:' through LOADTPGL.CM, FTP or manually.
Best regards
Also, don't name your pod files very long (32 or more characters), or you will kill your ability to do backups. The backup will just fail when it reaches that file. You won't be able to delete the .pod file either. Found this out the hard way. In order to fix it, I had to mount an image of the robot, delete it from there, and reload the image.
In addition to that, make sure your models are greatly simplified if you want some semblance of usable frame rate on the teach pendant.
It's a great note, I'll take that in consideration