Error 0210 Undefined Coordinated Robots

  • Sounds like either:

    A). Coordinated motion is not turned on.


    B). A master was not chosen when setting up the group combination.

    I know a thing or two, because I’ve seen a thing or two. Don't even ask about a third thing. I won't know it.

  • When do you get this error? I don’t recall ever seeing it.

    Yes, special Yaskawa parameters. Coordinated motion is a paid option.

    I know a thing or two, because I’ve seen a thing or two. Don't even ask about a third thing. I won't know it.

  • Well the group should be combined with robotic arms connected to the same controller.

    In first post, it is saying 2 dx200 controllers.

    I've never seen combining groups from different controllers.

  • Dear folks,

    My bad, my controller is XRC. I get this error when trying to add to group two arms connected to same controller.


    I set master arm, but still the same. Coordinated motion is switched on, but still the error exists :frowning_face:

  • I was able to get this error playing around today. The controller when the error occurred did not have coordinated motion turned on.

    I know a thing or two, because I’ve seen a thing or two. Don't even ask about a third thing. I won't know it.

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