How to make manual guidance smoother ?

  • Hello everyone,

    I find manual guidance oddly difficult. I have to apply a lot of force to make it move and it is difficult to make small or precise movements. Sometimes I have to apply a sharp blow to trigger the activation of a joint.

    I also specify that I have disabled the option that allows all joints to force against movement if a joint reaches its limit setJointLimitViolationFreezesAll (false).

    When I say that I find it rather difficult, I compare it especially to a SAWYER from RETHINK ROBOTICS which I have access to and which has a very very soft 0G mode.

    Is there a way to make the robot more responsive or more sensitive to the forces exerted during manual guidance ?

    Many thanks in advance :smiling_face:

  • The first solution I found is to set the max speed of the joints very very low, so that when a joint is triggered, which requires a lot of pressure and creates a jolt, it instantly works to reduce its speed and counteract the jolt.

    I finally avoided the problem by using a loop that retrieves the robot's current position and instructs it to go there with impedance.

    In this way I can easily choose to block axes or rotation by putting a very strong impedance but especially by modifying only the values of the axes and authorized rotations.

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