i try to run a TP program with my karel code. Therefore I use the procedure RUN_TASK and it works from time to time.
So it's theoratically possible to move the robot by running a task.
But often it doesn't work. Then I got a Run_TASK Status like: 3007 or 6003 and I don't really know how to fix it
I use a LR Mate 200iD/7L with a R-30iB Mate cabinet Controller btw.
I also tried to catch the task state with the function GET_TSK_INFO
If anything is alright, I got the value_int = 0, but if not i got value_int = 2, what means PG_ABORTED
That's why I wanna know how to restart an aborted task? When i CONT_TASK it fails cause the task is aborted not paused.
Does anybody knows how i can do this?
And does anybody got an error code manual from Fanuc, where i can check all the status values, which i get in so much Karel procedures?
I know this side: http://linuxsand.info/fanuc/
But therefore i still need to find out the first letters..
Thanks a lot to any help!